Presentations for Tuesday August 28, 2018 – 15h30-16h30
1. 15h30-15h40
Yannick Giraud-Héraud
The USTH (French-Vietnamese University of Science and Technology in Hanoï) SPACE Master
2. 15h40-15h55
Chu Viet Ha, Thai Nguyen University of Education
Spectra characterizations of Optical Nanoparticles
3. 15h55-16h10
Tran Duc Dung, Sorbonne Université, France
Carbon dioxide satellite remote sensing and oxygen spectroscopy
4. 16h10-16h25
Le Cong Tuong, Hanoi National University of Education
Experimental Line Shape Study of Methane
5. 16h25-16h40
Dinh Thi Lan Anh, Observatoire de Paris, Space & Aeronautics Department, USTH
Analysis of the diurnal cycle of vegetation using active and passive microwave satellite observations
Presentations for Friday August 31, 2018 – 10h30-11h
1. 10h30-10h45
Tong Si Son, Space & Aeronautics Department, USTH
Assessment of the potential for future deposition of tidal flats in the northern coast of Vietnam
2. 10h45-11h
Pham Thi Mai Thy, HCMC Space Technology Application Center (STAC) Vietnam National Space Center (VNSC) – VAST
Remote sensing applications in the Mekong delta, Vietnam
3. 11h-11h15
Phan Trong Trinh, Institute of Geophysical Sciences, VAST
Present-day tectonics in South Vietnam from GPS measurements
4. 11h15-11h30
Nguyen Thi Thuy Hanh, Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment
Examining Split Window algorithm to Landsat 8 for mapping Sea Surface Temperature
1. Dinh Thi Lan Anh, Catherine Prigent (LERMA, Observatoire de Paris)
Analysis of the diurnal cycle of vegetation using active and passive microwave satellite
2. A. Jabri , A. Roucou , D. Fontanari , C. Bray , F. Hindle , R. Bocquet , G. Mouret , G. Dhont , Arnaud Cuisset (LPCA, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, Dunkerque, France)
mm-Wave and ab initio studies of the conformational landscape of methoxyphenols identified as SOA
3. Yao Té, Pascal Jeseck, Dmitry Koshelev and Christof Janssen (LERMA, Sorbonne Université-Observatoire de Paris)
The First European TCCON station in megacity
4. Nguyen Minh Thuy (Department of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education)
A study of ZrO2 – TIO2 clusters
5. Ngo Ngoc Hoa, Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang (Department of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education) and Ha Tran (LMD, IPSL & Sorbonne Université)
Precise predictions of H2O line shapes over a wide pressure range
6. Dang Diem Huong, Phan Quoc Tran Kha, Lam Dao Nguyen, Hoang Phi Phung, Nguyen Van Anh Vu (VNSC-STAC – Ho Chi Minh City)
Remote sensing for rice crop monitoring.
7. Pham Thi Mai Thi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Vu Anh Tuan, Loc Thi Thuy Linh (VAST/VNSC – Hanoi)
Vietnam Data Cube.
8. Vo Quoc Tuan (Remote Sensing Data Centre – DFD and University of Can Tho)
Mangrove Ecosystem Services in the Mekong Delta : Combining Socio-Economic Household Surveying with Remote Sensing Based Analysis
9. Tham Thi Ngoc Han (Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources – Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, VNU HCMC)
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in evaluating the relationship between Urban Green Space and Thermal Environment for the Eastern urban areas in HCMC